Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What is "style"?

One major thing comes into my mind when I attempt to define "style": last semester, I had a Literature teacher who, I thought, was a hard grader. With each new paper, I would attempt to get a better grade-- I was never consistent. After almost every paper, he would write "Simplify your style". Ok....uh, what? Each time I would try to be more succinct only to find that a majority of the time I was sounding exactly the same. Needless to say, I worked my little booty off for a "B".

When I think of "style" in terms of writing, I think of structure and diction. I mostly think of poetry. Different sentence structures help mold the mindset of the reader; are they choppy or do they flow? Word choice helps the reader distinguish the time setting; is it in Old English or modern usage? Am I reading with an accent? Style is a very important component of writing.

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